YOU FOUND FLOYD (with SherryJenix!) | Triple K.O. #90
Welcome to the 89th episode of Triple KO! Triple K.O. is a bi-weekly fighting game podcast featuring Matt McMuscles, Maximilian Dood, and Justin Wong. This week: SherryJenix joins us for a Cavalcade of NEWS!! City of the Wolves gets an open beta date, Max gets hands-on with SF6 Mai, we talk Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O. and dive into the history of Harada and Itagaki's...beef?!Matt McMuscles Dood Wong Jenix music by Little V Mills voiceover by Gianni Matragrano Design by Lee Mounsey-Smith by Deonte Martin & Brandt Cooley by Tom Keely by Screenwave Media #JustinWong #MattMcMuscles #SherryJenix #COTW #COTWBeta #MK1 #MortalKombat1 #Floyd #VirtuaFighter5Revo #FrostyFaustings2025 #Discotek #Harada #Itagaki #StreetFighter #Darkstalkers
Oh, Mai! | Triple K.O. #89
Welcome to the 89th episode of Triple KO! Triple K.O. is a bi-weekly fighting game podcast featuring Matt McMuscles, Maximilian Dood, and Justin Wong. This week: Max is back! The guys share their EVO lineup predictions, Max reflects on the aftermather of MvCI&B, Mai joins Street Fighter 6, King of Fighter 14 gets a fan-mod facelift and more!Matt McMuscles Dood Wong music by Little V Mills voiceover by Gianni Matragrano Design by Lee Mounsey-Smith by Deonte Martin & Brandt Cooley by Tom Keely by Screenwave Media #JustinWong #MattMcMuscles #CityoftheWolves #Tekken8 #FatalFury #KingofFighters #SNK #Mai #StreetFighter6 #Gowcaizer #IconicArcade #MVCI #MVCIB #MarvelvsCapcomInfinite #EVO2025
Looking Back at 2024 Fighters! ft. PDNKetchup | Triple K.O. #88
Welcome to the 88th episode of Triple KO! Triple K.O. is a bi-weekly fighting game podcast featuring Matt McMuscles, Maximilian Dood, and Justin Wong. In this episode, Justin, Matt and special guest Ryan look back at 2024 and muse about the games coming in 2025!Ryan (Ketchup) McMuscles Dood Wong music by Little V Mills voiceover by Gianni Matragrano Design by Lee Mounsey-Smith by Deonte Martin & Brandt Cooley by Tom Keely by Screenwave Media #KetchupandMustard #PNDKM #maximiliandood #justinwong #MattMcMuscles #Gato #CityoftheWolves #CotW #FatalFury #KignofFighters #SNK #KOFStudio #SamSho #SamuraiShodown #MVCI #MVCIB #MarvelvsCapcomInfinite #MK1 #Jade #MelaLee #Capcom
VIRTUA IS BACK | Triple K.O. #87
Welcome to the 87th episode of Triple KO! Triple K.O. is a bi-weekly fighting game podcast featuring Matt McMuscles, Maximilian Dood, and Justin Wong. In this episode Justin, Max and Matt weigh in on Final Fantasy XVI's Clive joining Tekken 8, Sega's revival of the Virtua Fighter Franchise, Mai's reveal in Street Fighter VI and more!Matt McMuscles Dood Wong music by Little V Mills voiceover by Gianni Matragrano Design by Lee Mounsey-Smith by Deonte Martin & Brandt Cooley by Tom Keely by Screenwave Media #FightingGames #FGC #maximiliandood #justinwong #MattMcMuscles #Clive #Finalfantasyxvi #Tekken8 #MK1 #conanthebarbarian #KOFXV #Mature #Vice #StreetFighter6 #Mai #HunterxHunter #Morel #vga2024 #videogameawards
Mortal Kombat 1 Episode In Trouble? | Triple K.O. #86
Welcome to the 86th episode of Triple KO! Triple K.O. is a bi-weekly fighting game podcast featuring Matt McMuscles, Maximilian Dood, and Justin Wong.This week GuileWinQuote ( joins us for the news headlines![00:00:00] Intro[00:01:22] Virtua Fighter Returns[00:12:29] SF6 Balance Changes[00:28:57] DBZ Sparking Tournament Controversy[00:35:44] Ghostface Thoughts[00:42:54] MK1 DLC Cancellation Rumors[00:53:55] Jinx for 2XKO[00:59:16] New Steam DLC Regulations[01:07:25] Game Awards NominationsMatt McMuscles Dood Wong music by Little V Mills voiceover by Gianni Matragrano Design by Lee Mounsey-Smith by Deonte Martin & Brandt Cooley by Screenwave Media