The Praying Wife Podcast seeks to uplift wives and marriages around the globe, with episodes that encourage, edify, and strengthens listeners to live life inten...
It's Christmas time and the holiday season fills the air! But in the midst of the cookies and gifts, let's not forget the true reason where we celebrate this time of year - it has, it is and always will be about the gift of Jesus Christ to humanity. So dive in with host Corain Cash for a end-of-year quick discussion with a special announcement at the end!Enjoyed This Episode or Have Feedback? Send Us A Text!The Praying Wifewww.theprayingwife.comFacebook | Instagram | Twitter | YoutubeEmail: [email protected]
Declarations of Thanksgiving
It’s important for us to note that just because we are Christians and we are sons of the most High God, this does not exempt us from going through hard times and tribulations in life. No where did the Bible promise us that we will not face things that make us question who we are or that we wouldn’t experience things that bring us sadness or regret or heartache. As a matter of fact, the Bible time and time again warns us that we will be persecuted for Christ’s sake and that many troubles will come. However, though we cannot stop us ever being attacked, we can declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living as He protects, guides and leads us beside still waters for His namesake.Rebroadcast: Season 2: Episode 14Enjoyed This Episode or Have Feedback? Send Us A Text!The Praying Wifewww.theprayingwife.comFacebook | Instagram | Twitter | YoutubeEmail: [email protected]
Declaring I Am A Child of God
In this episode we are going to be reminding ourselves of the fact that we are children of the most High God and we are going to be declaring our sonship to our Father. Now that we have declared against things like worry and fear and disobedience, we take our rightful positions in the Kingdom of God as children with authority and not only authority but divine protection from our heavenly Father. Rebroadcast: Season 2: Episode 13Enjoyed This Episode or Have Feedback? Send Us A Text!The Praying Wifewww.theprayingwife.comFacebook | Instagram | Twitter | YoutubeEmail: [email protected]
Declaring Against Disobedience
When it comes to disobedience, it seems that our struggle can be really summarized by Paul’s admittance in Romans 7 where he says “ I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.” Sometimes we find ourselves in that very same position where we know what the right thing to do is but yet it’s not only hard for us to make the right choice, a lot of times or more times than we’d like to admit, we find ourselves making the wrong choice and being in a place of disobedience to God’s word. Does this mean that we are all doomed if we can’t get it together and live completely holy obedient lives all the time? Not by any means. The Bible tells us many truths including these 2 important truths: 1. All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and 2. A righteous man falls 7 seven times and gets back up again (Proverbs 24:16). Now note that he is still considered righteous though he fall. However, his righteousness is shown through his attempt to try again, to be better again, to commit to doing what is right with his whole heart. Rebroadcast: Season 2: Episode 12Enjoyed This Episode or Have Feedback? Send Us A Text!The Praying Wifewww.theprayingwife.comFacebook | Instagram | Twitter | YoutubeEmail: [email protected]
Declarations Against Anger
As human beings who live in a not so perfect society, we all have to face & deal with anger. Some of us more than others but at some point in your life, someone or something will get you to the point of being not just upset but down right angry. And I think that it’s important to note that getting angry in itself is not a sin. The Bible says in Ephesians 4:26, “In your anger do not sin, do not let the sun go down while you are still angry. " So we are being admonished, when you get angry, 1. Don’t let it control you to the point where you sin and 2. Don't stay in prolonged anger. So today we want to declare over our lives against the spirit of anger. Rebroadcast: Season 2: Episode 11Enjoyed This Episode or Have Feedback? Send Us A Text!The Praying Wifewww.theprayingwife.comFacebook | Instagram | Twitter | YoutubeEmail: [email protected]
The Praying Wife Podcast seeks to uplift wives and marriages around the globe, with episodes that encourage, edify, and strengthens listeners to live life intentionally and more abundantly!