The fans are in agreement. That was a phenomenal play, and clearly one for the Survivor history books. The big question that remains though is, now what? What's the follow on to help ensure the three can continue to make their way to the final four? Is there a counter play to the two immunity idols and the block-a-vote advantage? We can't wait for Finale Part One on Wednesday! We want to thank and acknowledge everyone who contributed to another great Listener Feedback show. This week we heard from: Pete, Christiana, Tara, Robert, Rebecca, Becca, Rashmi, Nora, TitoBurrito, Ed, Drew, David, Parker, Pat, Ryan, Shahin, Kim, Justin, Josh, Jeremiah, Jen, and Paul. We've got several ways you can reach us. You can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-1547 or toll-free at 844-643-8737. You can record an audio comment and attach it or just type up a quick text message and send it to us via email at
[email protected]. 00:00 Date 00:41 Introductions 02:53 Pete from Boston, Massachusetts 08:57 Christiana from Massachusetts 16:37 Tara from New York 22:05 Robert from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada 25:05 Rebecca from NorCal 28:44 Becca from South Carolina 30:48 Rashmi from Perth, Australia 33:55 Nora from Canada 37:48 TitoBurrito from Boston, Massachusetts 38:36 Ed from Milwaukee 41:20 Drew from Utah 43:40 David from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 46:37 Parker from Indiana 52:28 Pat from Missouri 61:25 Ryan from ? 62:59 Shahin from Australia 69:17 Kim from North Carolina 70:50 Justin from Michigan 75:26 Josh the Plush Moose from Massachusetts 80:29 Jeremiah from SoCal 84:01 Jen from California 88:32 Paul from Louisiana 90:23 Wrap Up 97:05 Outro: Wakeful Spaces Links for Today's Show EW interview with Fifth Juror Parade interview with Fifth Juror EW Deleted Scene: Week 12 Unsure Of What's Next Paul's Visual Roster Sign up for JSFL Survivor Fans Podcast Fans group on Facebook SFP on Twitter SFP on YouTube SFP on iTunes SFP on Spotify Contact Info: Voicemail: 206-350-1547 Toll Free: 844-643-8737 Email:
[email protected] Enjoy, Jo Ann and Stacy Â