This is it! This is the podcast where an ordinary girl like me talks my way through the randomness of my life. Diving unknowingly into the world of hosting, joi...
11 - On 2024's Reading Highlights (Best & Worst Reads)
Here, I talk about six books that I read last year, from the worst book to the best, and from the most disappointing to the most surprising. Listen to me yap about each of them and justify why I either liked them or hated the reading experience I had with them.
I enjoyed making this, talking about several books in one episode. So I might do more in the future!
Right now, it's for you to enjoy, too! And ooooh, I'll gladly know about yours. Leave a comment so we can talk about them!
Kisses, Maxx ❤︎ #SporadicallyMaxxie
Twitter: @maxxhiatooo | Tiktok: @capriciousreads
10 - On Powerless and Its Potential (A Spoilery Book Rant/Review)
I read Powerless and... I'm... not... a fan.
Okay, I'm sorry, I really tried. So please, please, please hear me out. I am ready to explain and I have a whole discussion about all the things I thought and felt about it.
Listen to me rant review this book which is one of my most anticipated reads of 2024.
And I would like to hear your thoughts about it, too! Did you passionately love it or did you love it to just a certain point that you could still see its flaws and potential? Orrrr did you also have to hide your truest feelings about it like me in the fear of its fans? Lol
I want to hear all about it so please leave a comment or reach out to me on my Tiktok account: @capriciousreads where I talk about books!
And despite (or because of???) everything I said here, I hope you like this episode and don't forget to stay randoooom~!
Kisses, Maxx (@maxxhiatooo on Twitter) #SporadicallyMaxxie
9 - On New Year's Resolutions Related to Books
Happy New Year, everyone! Have you had a good reading year in 2024? Did you achieve all your goals and met new friends? Do you want to change some things or habits as a reader?
As we enter the new year, I want to share with you my new year's resolutions related to books, reading, and basically just being a book girlie.
May we all have a really good year in books! I wish for all of us to achieve our reading goals, complete our challenges, and gain more book friends~
I want to hear about the things you want to change and continue this year, too!
Catch me talk more about books on my Tiktok account: @capriciousreads. And with everything I said here, I hope you like this episode and don't forget to stay randoooom~!
Kisses, Maxx (@maxxhiatooo on Twitter) #SporadicallyMaxxie
8 - On Darkness that is Verity (Spoilery Book Review)
Here comes another book review from me although I admit, this one has a lot of confusion in it lol! Join me as I try to make sense of the book that is Verity. I put the disclaimers that I think are necessary so let's please agree to disagree on things, ya? :) And this is full of spoilers so please before you listen, make sure you have read it already, okay? Also, I know half an hour is not enough to discuss a book so feel free to talk to me about it on my tiktok account: @capriciousreads. With everything I said here, I hope you like this episode and don't forget to stay randoooom~! Kisses, Maxx (@maxxhiatooo on Twitter) #SporadicallyMaxxie
7 - On Picking up Where I left Off (Life Lately~)
Heyaaaa guys~ What is up with you, today? Well, in this episode, I talk about the recent changes in my life which I am very happy about. I am finally getting back on track and am doing the things I used to love doing and never having enough time for. Sharing a piece or a glimpse of my life through this segment is both exciting and unnerving! But still, I will push through it, what with having a little bit of commercial in between movie and book reviews, ya? So, I hope you like this episode and don't forget—stay randoooom~! Kisses, Maxx (@maxxhiatooo on Twitter) #SporadicallyMaxxie
This is it! This is the podcast where an ordinary girl like me talks my way through the randomness of my life. Diving unknowingly into the world of hosting, join me as I talk (and rant!) about books, movies/tv shows, and all the things that get through to me, or well those that simply get into my nerves. I hope you enjoy listening to my ramblings. Lol and oh, stay random! - Maxx @nottouche #SporadicallyMaxxie