This week's rounds are Music (Annual Anthems), George Lucas Films, Cartoon Characters, and Places.
The music is Frog In The Well from Lucas Gonze.
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PodQuiz 1032
This week's rounds are Music (Musicals), Bob Dylan, TV Towns (Quickfire), and 40 (with guest host Jay).
The music is Blue Dot Sessions, with a song called Symphony 40 In G Minor.
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PodQuiz 1031
This week's rounds are Music (Connections), The Nile, Famous Voices and the Natural World.
The music is The Rope River Blues Band, with Weatherman.
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PodQuiz 1030
This week's rounds are Music (Covers), 2024, Mononyms (Quickfire), Who Am I? and a Prize Round.
Prize Round Picture Question:
Which company?
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PodQuiz 1029
This week's rounds are Music (Tin Whistle Woes), Reindeer, Languages, and Art.
The music is Nexto, with Show Some Love (It's Christmas).