International Relations: Keohane, Waltz, Wendt, Mearsheimer, and Stacy-Vance
angela Stacy Vance
Gives the foundation of four important voices in International Relations along with the view of Angela Stacy-Vance, a fresher new voice to the field of Internat...
International Relations Major Voices Keohane, Waltz, Wendt, and Mearsheimer Then & Prescriptions from Angela Stacy-Vance Now
The main voices of International Relations of the last several decades include Robert Keohane, Kenneth Waltz, Alexander Wendt, & John Mearsheimer, with Angela Stacy-Vance, a new voice on the International Relations scene. Gives an overview of the differing ideologies of the previous four prominent public figures and includes the new thoughts of the latter voice.
About International Relations: Keohane, Waltz, Wendt, Mearsheimer, and Stacy-Vance
Gives the foundation of four important voices in International Relations along with the view of Angela Stacy-Vance, a fresher new voice to the field of International Relations.
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