Hello family 🌸,We hope you are alive and well. Please receive our humble apologies for being MIA for the past couple of months. Here’s an update of what we have been up to. Please also follow our social media pages so you’re up to date with our activity:@makagiso_mokoena @faithlane_podcast God bless you! 🤍
Honour God, Not Your Emotions
Hello friends :)
New month, new episode!
Here is a word for you, be blessed and encouraged.
Scripture reading:
Mark 8: 31 - 22
Jeremiah 17:9
2024 - Happy New Year: Prophetic Word
Hello friends! :)
Happy New Year.
Here is a prophetic word for the new year, be blessed and encouraged!
Scripture reading:
Matthew 7: 13 - 14
John 8:36
Romans 8:1
2 Corinthians 12: 9-10
2 Corinthians 3:17
A call to obedience
Hello friends :)
Happy new month!
Here is a word for us to wrap up the year, be blessed and encouraged.
Scripture reading:
Genesis 12
Deuteronomy 28
Numbers 21
The mystery of thanksgiving - Prophetess Nonhlanhla Mokoena
Hello friends :)
Happy new month!
Here is a word to encourage you as we tug along with our #thanksgivingchallenge from Prophetess Nonhlanhla, be blessed and enjoy.
Scripture reading:
John 11: 1 - 44