Deadly Manners is a 10 episode, dark comedy murder-mystery series set in the winter of 1954. It follows the events during the night of the affluent Billings fam...
In the final chapter of Season One of Deadly Manners, the killer is confronted and the night's festivities come to a close. Created by Ali Garfinkel (Writer) and Alex Aldea (Producer). Cast List: Narrator - LeVar Burton Veronica Billings - Kristen Bell William Billings - Denis O'Hare Olivia Billings - Alisha Boe George the Butler - Mark Berry Nancy Clark - Anna Chlumsky James Eggly - David Cummings Police Officer - Terry Miles Reporter #1 - Jamey Jasta Reporter #2 - Atticus Jackson Reporter #3 - Jon Grillz Reporter #4 - Nicole Goodnight Reporter #5 - Andrew W.K.  Written by Ali Garfinkel. Directed by Alex Aldea and Ali Garfinkel. Music composition (except for Jazz Piano Parts) by Alex Aldea and Andrew Joslyn. Chapter 10 features a rendition of God Bless America and the National Anthem of U.S.S.R. Live Strings by Andrew Joslyn. Jazz Piano Parts were written and performed by Mark Rodriguez. Foley and Sound Design: Victor Figueroa and Alex Aldea. Editing by Victor Figueroa, James Kim, and Alex Aldea. Here is a link to the script. This episode is sponsored by MeUndies and Squarespace.
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Chapter 9
In the ninth chapter of Deadly Manners, the police are finally called to the house. Created by Ali Garfinkel (Writer) and Alex Aldea (Producer). Cast List: Narrator - LeVar Burton Veronica Billings - Kristen Bell William Billings - Denis O'Hare Olivia Billings - Alisha Boe George the Butler - Mark Berry Beatrice the Maid - Elizabeth McLaughlin Nancy Clark - Anna Chlumsky James Eggly - David Cummings Written by Ali Garfinkel. Directed by Alex Aldea and Ali Garfinkel. Music composition (except for Jazz Piano Parts) by Alex Aldea and Andrew Joslyn. Live Strings by Andrew Joslyn. Jazz Piano Parts were written and performed by Mark Rodriguez. Foley and Sound Design: Victor Figueroa and Alex Aldea. Editing by Victor Figueroa, James Kim, and Alex Aldea. Here is a link to the script. This episode is sponsored by MeUndies and Audible.
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Chapter 8
In the eighth chapter of Deadly Manners, one of the party's biggest secrets becomes jeopardized. Created by Ali Garfinkel (Writer) and Alex Aldea (Producer). Cast List: Narrator - LeVar Burton Veronica Billings - Kristen Bell William Billings - Denis O'Hare Olivia Billings - Alisha Boe George the Butler - Mark Berry Beatrice the Maid - Elizabeth McLaughlin Roger Clark - Timothy Simons Nancy Clark - Anna Chlumsky James Eggly - David Cummings Written by Michael Varrati and Ali Garfinkel. Directed by Alex Aldea and Ali Garfinkel. Music composition (except for Jazz Piano Parts) by Alex Aldea and Andrew Joslyn. Live Strings by Andrew Joslyn. Jazz Piano Parts were written and performed by Mark Rodriguez. Foley and Sound Design: Victor Figueroa and Alex Aldea. Editing by Victor Figueroa, James Kim, and Alex Aldea. Here is a link to the script. This episode is sponsored by MeUndies and TodayTix.
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Chapter 7
In the seventh chapter of Deadly Manners, Olivia starts interrogating several of the evening's suspects and a dark secret is unearthed. Created by Ali Garfinkel (Writer) and Alex Aldea (Producer). Cast List: Narrator - LeVar Burton Veronica Billings - Kristen Bell William Billings - Denis O'Hare Olivia Billings - Alisha Boe George the Butler - Mark Berry Beatrice the Maid - Elizabeth McLaughlin Roger Clark - Timothy Simons Nancy Clark - Anna Chlumsky James Eggly - David Cummings Fortune Teller - RuPaul Written by Michael Varrati and Ali Garfinkel. Directed by Alex Aldea and Ali Garfinkel. Music composition (except for Jazz Piano Parts) by Alex Aldea and Andrew Joslyn. Live Strings by Andrew Joslyn. Jazz Piano Parts were written and performed by Mark Rodriguez. Foley and Sound Design: Victor Figueroa and Alex Aldea. Editing by Victor Figueroa, James Kim, and Alex Aldea. Here is a link to the script. This episode is sponsored by MeUndies and TodayTix.
Deadly Manners is a 10 episode, dark comedy murder-mystery series set in the winter of 1954. It follows the events during the night of the affluent Billings family annual dinner party with their distinguished, eccentric guests. However, all is not fun and games as shortly after the party starts, a snowstorm begins to rage outside, trapping all the partygoers inside their host’s mansion. When a murderer starts killing off those in attendance, the guests must figure out who is responsible, or at least how to stay alive -- lest they be next.
Deadly Manners was created by Ali Garfinkel and Alex Aldea.
Deadly Manners stars Kristen Bell, Denis O'Hare, Alisha Boe, RuPaul, Anna Chlumsky, Timothy Simons, Michelle Visage, Alona Tal, David Cummings and is narrated by LeVar Burton.
Artwork by Kina Lee.