A new segment of the Nails by Rah brand where we talk about everything nails and the business of nails! Tune in every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. for topics, nail busi...
We’ve accomplished so much for the Confessions of a Nail Tech Podcast! Season 3 has been the pivotal moment of the series because it’s my first season post-graduate school. If you’ve been with us since Season 1 then you know the uphill journey. We’re so excited about Season 4 and truly feel loved and honored to have you as faithful subscribers and listeners. In the meantime, be sure to connect with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube @nailsbyrah or visit www.nailsbyrah.com
S3E10 The Importance of a Community
The nail tech community reaches millions every day and is a multi-billion dollar industry in its own right. We provide you with countless tutorials, product reviews, and funny bits throughout the day to keep both you and us going. As a nail tech, we are more than your manicurist and pedicurist. Bonds are formed and we become family, celebrating milestones, celebrations, and all of life's twists and turns. On this journey, it is important to find and have a community of professionals to help carry us through, supporting our ventures and continuing education. In this episode, I share anecdotes and advice regarding how to find and/or start a community of supporters and professionals on your nail tech and nail care journey.
Follow the conversation on Twitter, IG, and YouTube:
S3E9 Nail Tech Events US and UK
This episode is dedicated to some nail tech events happening here in the US in the next couple of months, as well as in the UK. Be certain to TuneIn and attend some of these events if you are able to, and bring a friend and share the news that there are so many things happening in the nail tech community, and I am here to broadcast to you live.
S3E8 The Deep Clean Fee
The warmer season is coming and we want you to be prepared for the “first pedicure of the season” clients. We discuss the “Deep Cleaning Fee” to implement into your services. What is the deep clean fee? Tune in and we’ll tell ya!
S3E7 The Day I Broke Up with The Salon
Who starts Valentine’s Day with a break up? Listen for the details because there may be a message in here for you. Remember, the words for the day are love and uplift.
A new segment of the Nails by Rah brand where we talk about everything nails and the business of nails! Tune in every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. for topics, nail business news, and nail art related Confessions by your host Rasheedah H. Muhammad, Nail Tech affectionately known as "Rah." She will be bringing in special guests and answering any questions that you may have so spread the word! This podcast is for anyone who is aspiring to become a nail technician, an experienced nail technician, or someone who just wants to join the conversation.
IG: @nailsbyrah