City Confidential explores crimes that have impacted cities and towns across America. The iconic, noir-style series goes beyond the headlines to showcase the em...
Battle Creek Michigan, also known as Cereal city, was an idyllic midwestern town until the murder of a local celebrity and news anchor by a mysterious assailant causes the community to look within.
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Aspen: Murder on the Slopes
A star of the screen and a star on the slopes, Aspen residents Claudine Longet and Spider Sabich's romance had faded, but few would suspect their case would be a defining moment of the snowy Colorado town.
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Berkeley: Murder in a College Town
An eccentric city commissioner is suspected in the deaths of a professor and his wife.
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Bad Medicine in Bangor
In 1997, Dr. John Malmstrom is found dead of five gunshot wounds in his house, and his wife, Geraldine, is the main suspect when her alibi falls through and the murder weapon is discovered to belong to her family.
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Albuquerque: The Black Widow
In 1996, Terri Gilbert called 911 because she had shot an intruder in her home. The intruder was her ex-husband Gene Gilbert, and a nearly identical incident with a previous husband makes Terri's plea of self-defense highly questionable.
City Confidential explores crimes that have impacted cities and towns across America. The iconic, noir-style series goes beyond the headlines to showcase the emotional and unexpected stories that catapulted unique communities, both large and small, into the public eye.
Each episode tells the story of one crime, the ensuing investigation, and the ripple effect it had on a community. Speaking with family, friends, detectives, journalists, and others close to the case, the series weaves together firsthand accounts and interview footage to explore the crime and its outcome.