Hi, I’m Jace, or as my friends call me, DJ. (Pseudonym) I am the gm of Casuregni. I wrote this campaign and built this world for my friends and I to enjoy. It i...
After a tense moment where a member of their party did something unthinkable, the group must come to terms with the aftermath. All while there is a vampire lord lurking in wait. What will the Red Wardens do?
Den of Death
The Red Wardens have arrived at the final location set out for them by the Guardian of Mukatara Island. What they experience may change them forever.
The Automaton Colossus
The Red Wardens continue their exploration of Mukatara Island, figuring out it's secrets and uncovering untold mysteries.
Liquefying Undead
The Red Wardens continue their exploration of Mukatara Island and run into some interesting opponents and learn some interesting information.
Dragons n Dinos
The Red Wardens continue their exploration of Mukatara Island. what they uncover has strange implications.
Hi, I’m Jace, or as my friends call me, DJ. (Pseudonym) I am the gm of Casuregni. I wrote this campaign and built this world for my friends and I to enjoy. It is heavily inspired by Matthew Mercer and the show Critical Role. It also has influences from other popular media such as The Legend of Zelda, Lord of the Rings, the Chronicles of Narnia, Percy Jackson, and the Olympians, as well as Star Wars, to name a few. I hope you enjoy our adventures!