Our most popular pods in one fat feed! Too much technology would never be enough. Includes Heavy Networking, Network Break, Day Two DevOps, Packet Protector, an...
There’s a robust malware economy with an active market for exploits, brokered access to compromised systems, ransomware, bots-as-a-service, and more. And this malware economy is targeted at you. On today’s Packet Protector we talk with Jake Williams, a security researcher, consultant, and instructor, about the malware economy, how it operates, and the most effective strategies... Read more »
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NB514: Cisco, Juniper Announce New Switches; SolarWinds Goes Private in $4.4 Billion Buyout
Take a Network Break! We start with some Red Alert vulnerabilities to get your blood pumping, and then dive into networking news. Cisco announces new data center switches with AMD Pensando DPUs that let you deploy security and other services directly on to the switch. Cisco ThousandEyes is previewing Traffic Insights, which correlates flow records... Read more »
Connecting your branch to your wide area network used to be simple enough. Call your carrier, get a circuit ordered, wait a long time, then turn it up. A little routing, and there you were. Cloud blew that model apart. Now when we connect branches to our corporate networks, we have to consider not only... Read more »
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TNO016: One Integrated Experience for NetOps, SecOps, and Business Teams (Sponsored)
Collaboration among tech and business teams is crucial to advancing your business. Extreme Networks is introducing Extreme Platform ONE to support this collaboration. In this sponsored episode, we talk about how this product is designed to streamline workflows and enhance user experience through automation and AI integration. Extreme Networks Platform ONE is a centralized platform... Read more »
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N4N013: Spanning Tree Part 1 – An Introduction and Broadcast Storms
Spanning tree is a topic so mysterious and complicated that common advice is just to disable it. In today’s episode, we start a mini-series on spanning tree, hoping to better explain what it is and what it does. We begin with basic spanning tree terminology and its role in preventing loops in an Ethernet network.... Read more »
About The Fat Pipe - Most Popular Packet Pushers Pods
Our most popular pods in one fat feed! Too much technology would never be enough. Includes Heavy Networking, Network Break, Day Two DevOps, Packet Protector, and Network Automation Nerds. Plus new shows when they launch so you know about fresh awesomeness.