The New York Times on Mystery Mounds & Large Skeletons
What if I told you that the European colonists who made their way to the New World not only found a thriving culture previously settled by Native Americans, but also began to discover the remains of another culture that seemed to predated the Native Americans by thousands of years? As their wagon-trains pushed westward, why did these settlers often find giant earthen mounds engineered with an ancient knowledge and mathematics that had withstood the ages of time? And to their amazement, when these colonists would often dig inside of these mounds, why would they find the remains of skeletons measuring anywhere from seven to ten feet in length, often buried with copper ornaments and weapons? And why did reputable newspapers like the New York Times publish these strange accounts by the thousands all the way up until the early 1900s?
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The Mysterious Vanishing of the Anasazi
This episode combines two of my favorite topics when it comes to history: the discovery of ancient hidden ruins and cowboy exploration of the wild west. In this episode I read a chapter from the book "Mysteries of the Old West," that recounts a fascinating true story from 1888 where two cowboys mistakenly stumble upon a lost city hidden in the cliffs of southwest Colorado while searching for their lost cattle. How would they find their way inside the ancient cliff dwellings? What did they see and experience deep inside? Who were these ancient inhabitants and why did it seem that they had suddenly vanished without a trace? So what really happened to the Anasazi? Why do the legends of the other four-corners tribes whisper that the Anasazi disappeared? Why does the ancient rock art of the Anasazi seem to depict strange spiral vortexes, portals, and what appears to be entities that came through them such as humanoids, chimeras and giant, six-fingered and six-toed footprints? At the end of this episode I share the shocking details of an archaeological excavation that appears to reveal that the Anasazi met a horrific end...
Book - Mysteries of the Old West
Book - Unearthing the Lost World of the Cloudeaters
Ancient Ireland Frequency Towers, Strange Skeletons & Revisiting Roswell
In this episode I cover a variety of intriguing and strange historical topics, starting with the discovery of several skeletons unearthed in Britain that were reported to be of immense size. I also breakdown the news of a supposed witness of the 1947 Roswell crash site who claims to have seen "four dead alien bodies." Next we travel to Ireland to investigate the enigmatic "Round Towers," that may be much older than traditionally thought and which may have functioned similar to Egyptian obelisks. Lastly, we will travel to Massachusetts in the year of 1891 where a very bizarre discovery was made as published by the New York Times.
Giants of Stonehenge Book
Roswell Article
Ireland Towers article
New York Times
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The Mystery of Medieval Orbs & New Jersey Drones
In this exclusive episode, I delve into the enigma of several medieval paintings that seem to depict mysterious orbs or craft concealed in the background of these master pieces. Were the painters giving us a glimpse of strange objects that they actually once saw with their own eyes in the middle ages? I also share of two unexpected personal experiences I have had of seeing unidentified flying objects in the night sky. One of these moments took place about 1990 and the other was in 2015. Lastly, I share the latest news, video and information concerning the New Jersey drone phenomenon and break down some of the hottest theories as to what they may be. And of course, I share which of these theories I am leaning towards most...