The magical and mythical tales collected by the Brothers Grimm have become integral to how children—and adults—understand the complexities of the real world. Ch...
In this enchanting episode, we meet Snow-white and Rose-red, two sisters as different as the roses in their mother's garden. Snow-white is gentle and quiet, while Rose-red is lively and adventurous. Their kindness extends to a bear who visits them each night. When the bear leaves for the summer, they encounter a grumpy dwarf in need of rescue. Through a series of adventures, they discover the bear is a bewitched prince. The story concludes with joy and treasure as the sisters marry the prince and his brother. Discover the magic of their story and listen to all episodes on Audio Pitara!
EP 63: Cat-Skin’s True Identity
In this enchanting episode, we follow the tale of a grief-stricken king who promises his dying queen to remarry only if he finds someone as beautiful as her with golden hair. Despite searching far and wide, no one compares, except his own daughter. To avoid marrying her father, the princess sets impossible conditions, which are surprisingly met. Disguised in a mantle of a thousand furs, she escapes and becomes a scullery maid. Eventually, her true identity is revealed at a royal feast, and she marries the king who discovers her beauty. Don't miss this magical journey! Listen to all episodes on Audio Pitara.
EP 62: Iron Hans’ Hidden Strength
In this enchanting episode, journey into a magical forest where a brave huntsman discovers a wild man with rusty iron skin. The tale unfolds as the king’s son, driven by curiosity, unlocks the wild man's cage, setting off a chain of mystical events. From golden hair to heroic battles, and finally, a royal wedding, this story is filled with adventure, trials, and surprises. Discover how the wild man, Iron Hans, reveals his true identity and bestows treasures upon the young prince.
Tune in to this captivating episode and explore all the magical tales on Audio Pitara!
EP 61: King Grisly-Beard’s Transformation
In this episode, a proud princess mocks her suitors, earning the nickname "Grisly-beard" for a kind king. Her father, angered by her behaviour, vows she’ll marry the first man who comes to the door, a humble fiddler. She endures hardship and learns humility, only to discover the fiddler is King Grisly-beard in disguise. Through trials, she gains wisdom, leading to a joyous marriage celebration.
To hear more enchanting stories like this, tune in to all episodes on Audio Pitara.
EP 60: The Story of The Brave Youth Who Conquered Fear
In this whimsical episode, a father's concern for his naïve younger son leads to a bizarre quest to learn the meaning of fear. Despite facing eerie encounters, including ghosts, black cats, and half-men, the youth remains unfazed. His unyielding curiosity drives him to explore a haunted castle, where even the most terrifying apparitions fail to make him shudder. It isn't until a surprising, fishy prank by his wife that he finally experiences fear, completing his peculiar journey.
Tune in to Audio Pitara to follow this enchanting tale and explore all our captivating episodes!
The magical and mythical tales collected by the Brothers Grimm have become integral to how children—and adults—understand the complexities of the real world. Characters like Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow-White, Hänsel and Gretel, Little Red-Cap (Little Red Riding Hood), and Briar-Rose (Sleeping Beauty) are among the more than two hundred captivating figures featured in this collection. These stories are delivered just as Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm originally penned them: bold, primal, slightly eerie, and perpetually captivating. This audiobook is brought to you by Audio Pitara. This audiobook is Narrated using AI voice from ElevenLabs.