Join dynamic English teachers, Nick and Stacey, as they embark on an engaging journey of contrasting viewpoints. With their passionate disagreements over poetry...
Alfonso Cuarón’s 2006 dystopian thriller “Children of Men” is set in a future where humanity faces extinction due to global infertility. Intrigued? Have a listen to find out if Stacey stomps all over one of Nick’s all-time favourite films?
A Portable Paradise
This week, Stacey's on a mission to convert Nick to the wonders of Roger Robinson's stunning poem "A Portable Paradise." Will Stacey's passionate reading and insightful analysis sway him? Or will Nick remain unconvinced? Have a listen in to find out.
In this episode, Nick takes on the challenge of persuading Stacey to appreciate the enigmatic beauty of Lars von Trier’s 2011 inventive film, Melancholia. Join us as Nick delves into the film’s powerful performances and hauntingly poignant deeper themes. Will Nick’s passionate analysis of the film’s artistic brilliance and emotional depth sway Stacey, or will she remain unconvinced?
To Be Consumed 06: Inside Out 2, & Poetry Unbound
Nick and Stacey catch up on the movies, T.V, theatre and poetry they've recently been consuming. This week they discuss:Film:Inside Out 2Podcast:Poetry Unbound
I, being born a woman and distressed
In this episode, Stacey introduces Nick to the powerful and provocative poem "I, being born a woman and distressed" by Edna St. Vincent Millay. As they delve into the intricacies of Millay's words, Stacey passionately argues for the poem's literary brilliance and discusses how Millay’s work challenges gendered expectations.
Join dynamic English teachers, Nick and Stacey, as they embark on an engaging journey of contrasting viewpoints. With their passionate disagreements over poetry, and divergent tastes in film, these long-time friends are hopelessly optimistic that they can bridge the gap between their perspectives. Through thought-provoking debates and captivating discussions, they are pinning their hopes on the power of open-mindedness and the possibility of transformative conversations. Whether you're a poetry enthusiast or find it perplexing and highbrow, whether you're a cinema aficionado or simply use movies for in-flight slumber, this weekly podcast aims to engage and entertain. Tune in each week for in-depth chats and witty banter, as Nick and Stacey take turns presenting their favourite movies and poems, and discover if they can truly find a way to "disagree to disagree.”