The Celeb Savant show is a weekly entertainment show hosted by Barret Edelstein. Each week we will have long-form career retrospective type interviews with cele...
Alex Chisnall - a British entrepreneur and podcast host - joins us on this episode of Celeb Savant.
Alex takes us through his journey of working with Richard Branson at Virgin, to becoming a successful podcast host of 'Screw It Just Do It', and founding Podpreneur… as we unpack the world of podcasting.
Website -
Instagram - @alexchisnall_
Facebook - @alex.chisnall
Twitter - @alexchisnall
TikTok - @alex_chisnall
YouTube - @alexchisnall
From classical to pop and R&B - Qymira
Qymira - a Hong Kongese singer songwriter, conductor, philanthropist and actor - joins us on this episode of Celeb Savant. We dive into her multi-faceted, successful career in the industry, discussing all her creative roles, and her One Gaia Foundation.
Website -
Instagram - @qymiraofficial
YouTube - @QymiraOfficial
The Voice UK finalists – Billy and Louie
Billy and Louie – British twin singers and songwriters - join us on this episode of Celeb Savant. They explain their creative process, their love of leading choirs, and their journey of being a finalist in the 2024 The Voice UK, being mentored by Tom Jones.
Website -
Instagram - @billyandlouie
Facebook - @billyandlouie
TikTok - @_billy_louie
YouTube - @billyandlouie
Songwriters Hall of Fame inductee - Beth Nielsen Chapman
Beth Nielsen Chapman - a Grammy nominated American singer and songwriter, who has been inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame - joins us on this episode of Celeb Savant. Beth dives into a multi-decade and multi award-winning career that includes 15 albums, seven number ones, her journey with cancer, and how Archbishop Desmond Tutu motivated her to move forward on a project focusing on different cultures.
Website -
Instagram - @beth_nielsen_chapman
Facebook - @bethnielsenchapman
Twitter - @bncmusic
TikTok - @beth_nielsen_chapman
YouTube - @BethNielsenChapmanLife
Introducing South African performer - Henri Strauss
Henri Strauss - a South African actor and performer - joins us live in studio on this episode of Celeb Savant. Henri takes us through his journey of studying drama, working his way up in the production team, and successfully transitioning to working in front of the camera.
This episode was recorded live at Solid Gold Podcasts, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Website -
Instagram - @henri_strauss
Facebook - @henriproductions
TikTok - @henristrauss
YouTube - @HStrauss_Productions
The Celeb Savant show is a weekly entertainment show hosted by Barret Edelstein. Each week we will have long-form career retrospective type interviews with celebrities namely, singers, actors and industry experts.
APVA Awards 2023 - nominated as The Best Entertainment/Lifestyle Podcast