Bino Miyagi is the host of the monthly show on podomatic titled - Mr Miyagi Dance that specialises on these listed sub-genres; Soulful house music, Deep-Tech, D...
Suuup everyone!!Welcome to the last offering of the year2023. We're on episode number 37 with a compilation of the latest solid House Music tunes.
Do checkout the whole package also on Apple Music. Happy festive seasonLove, Peace & Music..
Episode 38: Mr Miyagi 36 (Vocal Vs Instruments)
Sup Everyooooooone!
Welcome to Mr Miyagi 36, happy to be still sharing music with you and all the spinners you need to hear.
Episode 36 is where we at. We curated songs from Dustinho Sa, The Realhusbands of house, C-Blak, OddXperienc Fatso 98, Natty Nys, KG Sunset and many more. Thanks to everyone who supported this platform throughout the years and YOU who just joined this movement. Enjoy
Episode 37: Mr Miyagi 35 (UJ FM Mix)
Suuuup Everyone!!! Welcome to another episode of Mr Miyagi Podcast. We are on episode number 35, with a mix that was curated for the University Of Johannesburg radio FM.
1. Jazzbee - Lord you are holly
2. Shazzmic Soul - Im so in to you
3. House Victimz - Spirit
4. Goapele - Closer (2022 Soulful Mix)
5. C Blak - Flame
6. China Chameleon - Moya Wami
7. Nomfundo Moh - Phakade Lami ( Fatso 98 Bootleg Mix)
8. Aretha Franklin - Ever changing time (Mr Roland Magoo's Soulful Touch)
9. Chronicaldeep - Make up your mind
10. C Blak - Falling
11. Kelvin Momo ft Mhaw Keys - Song Cry (Soulful Mix)
12. C Black - ft Oscar Mbo - Buya Faana
Love, Peace & Music <3
Episode 34: Under The Influence Of Good Music (Guest Mix: Mr Miyagi)
Suup everyone!! Welcome to the first offering of the year 2022. We’re on episode number 34, with a guest mix I did for @simangaliso Siya MK. I’m on the main mix on Miyagi 34 & I’ve compiled some of the latest solid house House Music tunes by Fatso 98, Atjazz, Timadeep, Chronicaldeep, Kid fonque, Griffith Malo, Shazzmicsoul, Artwork Sounds and many more. Do checkout the whole package also on Apple Music.
Love, Peace & Music.. ❤️
Episode 34: Mr Miyagi 34
Suup everyone!! Welcome to the first offering of the year 2022. We’re on episode number 34, with a guest mix I did for @simangaliso Siya MK. I’m on the main mix on Miyagi 34 & I’ve compiled some of the latest solid house House Music tunes by Fatso 98, Atjazz, Timadeep, Chronicaldeep, Kid fonque, Griffith Malo, Shazzmicsoul, Artwork Sounds and many more. Do checkout the whole package also on Apple Music.
Love, Peace & Music.. ❤️
Bino Miyagi is the host of the monthly show on podomatic titled - Mr Miyagi Dance that specialises on these listed sub-genres; Soulful house music, Deep-Tech, Deep house, Afro house & Chill out Music.