Shocking! Lurid! Tawdry! A History of American Scandals
Kasey Howe & Mark Peikert
We love dining out on bad behavior so much it's practically our national dish. But while some scandals stick, most front-page stories end up forgotten. Till now...
That Time the Falwells Met Their Match in a Pool Boy
There's just something about seeing hypocrites fully exposed that is so satisfying, particularly when the takedown is as juicy and salacious and, yes, tawdry as that of Jerry Falwell Jr. You no doubt remember the Pool Boy Scandal of 2020, which began as a rumor that evangelical Christian and President of Liberty University Falwell was having an affair with a younger man named Giancarlo Granda... before Falwell released a statement saying that his wife, Becki, had the affair. And then Granda gave an explosive tell-all interview in which he recounted Falwell's participation in that affair.
Now, Hulu documentary God Forbid: The Sex Scandal That Brought Down a Dynasty is telling the full story and it's somehow even more scandalous than we thought. (Having sex in your kid's room will do that to a story.) Kasey and Mark dive into the story, the odd, loaded references to the dark time created by playing a lot of video games, lip-syncing to sexts, and why the hell Tom Arnold makes a cameo appearance in the story.
Logo: Jessica Balaschak
Music: Caveman of Los Angeles by Party Store Music
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That Time the CIA Got Very Into LSD
It's an unintentional double-header of acid heads, as Kasey follows up Mark's episode about Unmask Alice with a deep dive into an aside from the book about the CIA's Operation Midnight Climax. Yes, it sounds like some horny high school boys started a band, and no, it's not actually that much different from that. Turns out, the CIA was so adamant that no Americans could possibly have committed war crimes or found Communism interesting that the only solution to veterans saying these things is... brainwashing. If the Russians could, so could we! Except... well, things get very weird very fast. Would you believe that one man was responsible for the creation of the Haight-Asbury scene in San Francisco? Let's just say you're not gonna want to have a drink at one of George White's parties. Buckle in—this is one wild trip.
Logo: Jessica Balaschak
Music: Caveman of Los Angeles by Party Store Music
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That Time Beatrice Sparks Published 'Go Ask Alice' and 'Jay's Journal'
Mark went to Vegas and came back brimming over with awe at Rick Emerson's book "Unmask Alice: LSD, Satanic Panic, and the Imposter Behind the World's Most Notorious Diaries." Do you know the book "Go Ask Alice"? Probably. You're likely less familiar with "Jay's Journal." Both books—billed as actual diaries from actual teenagers—came from the same woman, and Emerson presents a pretty damning case for the havoc her ambitions wreaked on the survivors of familial tragedy and, yes, America as a whole.
What happens to Beatrice Sparks' dream of authorial stardom deferred? Nothing less than a decades-long actual witchhunt across the country in the form of Satanic Panic. Strap in for the wild ride but be sure to purchase a copy of the riveting, infuriating "Unmask Alice."
Logo: Jessica Balaschak
Music: Caveman of Los Angeles by Party Store Music
That Time Barbara Hershey Went on The Dick Cavett Show
Some things never change. Well, not Barbara Hershey's name. Born Barbara Lynn Herzstein, Hershey changed her professional name to Barbara Seagull for a period of time in the early 1970s. Much against the advice of literally everyone. She appeared on The Dick Cavett Show to discuss the reasons behind the change (buckle up) and ended up breastfeeding her son during the broadcast. Since this was 1975, you can imagine the hysteria. This week, Mark walks Kasey through the madness of early '70s Hollywood, the perils of being "kooky," and a whole lot of spoilers for decades-old films. Plus, casual Ryan Murphy dragging and Mark and Kasey invent their Bar Fly names. Grab a drink and settle in for a wild ride.
TW: Sexual assault does come up when discussing Barbara Hershey's films.
Apology: Mark somehow added 8 minutes of silence to the top of the initially uploaded episode. It's been corrected, and he regrets making you wait so long to hear these dulcet tones.
Logo: Jessica Balaschak
Music: Caveman of Los Angeles by Party Store Music
About Shocking! Lurid! Tawdry! A History of American Scandals
We love dining out on bad behavior so much it's practically our national dish. But while some scandals stick, most front-page stories end up forgotten. Till now! Armed only with Google and their own indefatigable curiosity, co-hosts Kasey Howe and Mark Peikert scrabble through the graveyards of forgotten headlines to unearth the stories that once consumed the country. Join the fray as Shocking! Lurid! Tawdry! remembers what America forgot.
Logo: Jessica Balaschak | Music: Caveman of Los Angeles by Party Store Music
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