Peta and Chris are in paradise - they sail into hell. Why does it take 38 years to arrest the only suspect: Silas Duane Boston? A BBC 5 Live podcast investigati...
Available Episodes
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Episode 11 - No such luck?
Was Boston a master criminal or was he just a lucky one? As Paradise concludes, Dan and Stephen examine the breaks Boston received that allowed him to escape justice for 38 years.
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Episode 10 - Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity
As the podcast nears its conclusion, fresh information kept hidden in UK Foreign Office files for 40 years delivers yet another twist to this case.
Martin Bottomley of the Greater Manchester Police Cold Case Unit gives an unexpected reply to a question Dan hesitates to ask - and it becomes clear this story is far from over.
And Boston's public defender, Lexi Nagin, reveals she's an avid listener to the podcast - but hasn't changed her mind about her client.
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Episode 9 – Double Crosses
Vince, Penny and Dan head out to the remote island of Hunting Caye, where Peta and Chris were last seen alive.They find a near deserted paradise, far removed from any sense of danger. But as they sit and talk, Vince reveals disturbing new details about his father.Leaving Belize and Vince behind, Penny and Dan go on to the port city of Puerto Barrios in Guatemala in the hope, more than expectation, of finding Chris and Peta’s lost graves.What they discover at the cemetery leaves them with a creeping sense of unease about the information they'd been given – and the investigation the FBI led.
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Episode 8 – You Better Belize It
As Dan heads to Belize, hopes of finding Chris and Peta’s graves in Guatemala fade with new information about the lengths the FBI went to in their attempts to find them.
We meet Orlando, Dan’s Belizean fixer, who seems to know everybody in Belize by name as we begin to follow Chris and Peta’s steps. Peta’s letters start to come to life as we trace people and places she mentioned in her letters 40 years before.
Very few locals seem to remember Boston – but a visit to the factory Peta write about in her letters leads to a breakthrough in the investigation and Orlando’s experience as a mechanic proves pivotal.
Penny joins us in Belize to see some of the places her brother experienced on his travels with Peta in ’78 – before a memorable meeting in Belize City with Vince – the first time they have met. On board a near replica of the Justin B, Vince reconstructs the entire attack.
The episode ends with a conclusion to one of the podcast’s biggest questions – but a possibly bigger one remains.
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Episode 7 – The Vikings
Dan heads to Sandwich in Kent to meet Blaise and Jenny, Peta’s eldest brother and sister-in-law. He hears where Peta got her stoicism from and learns that Blaise was never told that the FBI failed to find the graves.Back in the States, Detective Amy Crosby hands over files that contain a vital clue to what happened on the Justin B – and raise the possibility of there being two more victims, ‘the Vikings’Meanwhile, Annie finds the Bombero who pulled the bodies from the water in ’78. What he tells her only leaves us asking more questions - and there’s a troubling inconsistency that clashes with Vince and Russell’s account.The episode ends with a startling breakthrough that gives us hope we could actually locate the graves of Chris and Peta that the FBI failed to find.Find out more about the case here:
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About Paradise
Peta and Chris are in paradise - they sail into hell. Why does it take 38 years to arrest the only suspect: Silas Duane Boston? A BBC 5 Live podcast investigating their murders.