Hello, My name is avdhesh joshi and here is my series of Hindi Short-Stories "Kahani Yun Hai Ki...". Here I tell you some new and entertaining stories. Keep lis...
हम क्वारंटाइन में इतने बोर हो रहे है सोचिये हमारे माँ-बाप किस तरह रोज हमारे साथ होते हुए भी दूर है...Here's a story for our parents. Keep listening. Thank you
School Wala Pyar
Hello,here is my first story "School wala Pyar" from "Kahani Yun Hai Ki...". Listen this beautiful short story in the form of poetry and feel your school love again. 🖤
Hello, My name is avdhesh joshi and here is my series of Hindi Short-Stories "Kahani Yun Hai Ki...". Here I tell you some new and entertaining stories. Keep listening.🖤
Thank you